It's a Best Seller because it sells the best!

It's a Best Seller because it sells the best!

Wall Street-Smarts Series contains all FOUR books into one.

Available in Hardcover and Paperback.



You’re Never Too Young Or Old To Get Into The Stock Markets

You belong here just as much as anyone else.


Wall Street-Smarts Book 1

In the first book of this series, Wall Street Smarts, Yul lays the foundation of the principles of using street-smarts and applying them to the stock market and also gives insights on how the big players look at the smaller players in the game. It’s about having a cash balance. It’s about having money. Not just making it.


Paperback 8.99

Kindle 4.19


Turning Losers Into Winners in the Stock Market

Book 2

In the 2nd book, Turning Losers Into Winners In The Stock Market, Yul helps the novice trader shut out the noise about their trade being a loser because it’s probably a winner and they don’t even know it.


Paperback 8.99

Kindle 4.19


Audio Book coming soon

Wall Street Game: Game Recognize Game

Book 3

In the 3rd book, Wall Street Game, Yul takes you into the game of Wall Street and what you need to do in order to keep your head in the game. And just like any sport, once you learn the rules, you develop your own strategy to win.


Paperback 8.99

Kindle 4.19


Audio Book coming soon

K.I.S.S: Keep It Simple Stock Market

Book 4

In the 4th installment of the Wall Street-Smart Series, K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple Stock Market, Yul breaks down a very complicated stock market to the bare bones of what you need to focus on to get this money… The Wall Street Money.


Paperback 8.99

Kindle 4.19


Audio Book coming soon

The Journal

The Journal is a simplistic companion piece to the Wall Street-Smarts Series. Organize, log and record your thoughts for future analysis. Record the price action of all owned positions on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Don’t just trust your computer software or your brokerages. Trust you, what you see and can understand. Put it in writing.


Paperback 6.99


This is your time.