
Yul Spencer

If you’re like most people I know trying to wrap their heads around the stock market, you are not alone…

“Yul continues to encourage us average people that we can do this, hard stop. He breaks down the norms and gets us to put on a different set of glasses to view investing / trading.”

— Amazon Customer

Dad, Brother, Son, Actor, Stand Up Comic, Writer… all around Human… I've performed all over the country as a Stand-Up Comic seven seasons on BET ComicView, Comedy Central and more.


What happened was, I was always on tour or on a TV or movie set and never had the education or knowledge on how to manage my money. I didn't even trust banks or financial advisors back then. Still don't. But I trust myself these days.

So, I would keep my money at home or in a checking and savings account like most people do today making us nothing. As a matter of fact my bank was charging me to hold my money. So, even though I was getting paid good money I couldn't save any of it because it only went in one direction most of the time. Out. I don't know why they call it income when it's the outcome that keeps us broke.

Even though I made money I would find myself broke and I couldn't figure it out on my own why this kept happening.

I believe because my life had so many distractions with agents, managers, PR folks and the fans and audiences. Also learning lines, preparing for concerts, traveling all over the country plus Canada. All of these activities actually distracted me from taking some time off or out to learn about what do with all the fuckin' cash. So I spent it on myself, family, friends and charities with nothing really left over for me or my future. Then it was revealed to me in order to keep any amount of money, it has to circulate. It has to go in and out. Yeah, like the burger place. IN-N-OUT!

Future planning was out of the question for most street-smart thugs like myself because we know we don't really live that long. So why plan for a future that may never come?

I started caring because that's who I am. If I learn something I know that can benefit others around me I share it with them at every chance I get. When I learned I could put an end to being broke in the stock market, I had to tell my family, colleagues and anyone who would listen. I felt foolish at first thinking I was the only dummy who didn't know this. Then I saw that headline where sixty percent of Americans didn't know this either. So my insides said you should share it with the rest of the world. So here I am doing just that.

I made a lot of money and nothing to show for it and nothing to give away at the end of my life, if it had ended before I learned "The Game."

Thank God I'm still kickin' which means I still have a chance and time to turn my finances to my favor.  My mother was a Unified school teacher and at the end of her life I got to witness how her pension fund and insurances were all shit pieces of paper. She got nothing at the end and I didn't want that to be me. I want to enjoy my living all of it. We can learn so much from those who came before us. Either what we want in life or what we don't want and I don't want to be broke.

I realized I'm the unsophisticated investor that the markets work so hard to keep out because if the average citizen finds this out we might not need them anymore "government," "jobs," "loan officers.” Talking about putting an end to slavery for real.

I've been an investor in the stock markets for over fifteen years and a student much longer. I was in the markets in the 2008 crash. It's where I learned to “buy low and sell high.” I learned that the crashes are intentional though the media will tell you otherwise.

Crashes are where new millionaires are made. Not me, not yet I didn't have the capital to take me to a million at the time of the crash but I did have some capital to invest in what I could afford and I profited off of them and I realized I could do this myself. I've never been broke since that realization but you have to be in the markets to get that realization.

What I like about what I'm sharing with the world is that trusting me won't be necessary. I don't want anything from my readers. I'm not starting some workshop online or in person. I don’t have some fancy software program to sell you. Or anything else you have to pay for later. I don't want you to invest with me or because of me. I want you to trust yourself and what you learn from the Wall Street-Smart Series of books. You can verify all the information you learn by trying it yourself through your own experiences. You'll learn to trust yourself.

I have helped many in my circles to put an end to being broke with the knowledge I've written in the books. Family, friends and all the new readers that have left astounding reviews. It's been fun to hear and watch them get theirs.

Can I take this moment to congratulate them all? Congratulations!

I was hired to speak with a group of students that are in a S.T.E.M. program at the Atlanta Metropolitan College that was two months of going through each book with a PowerPoint presentation on ZOOM.

I enjoy sharing this information with a captive audience. One that honestly sees the value of investing in themselves.

Don’t be left behind

Get in this game with me.